How to: Google Like a Pro. Part II How to: Google Like a Pro. Part II

6. Link search

Thank God the Internet doesn't only consist of cat pictures and mutual insults; there are many more things to it, seriously. And it may happen that you browse an awesome site and then you forget to add to your bookmarks. The only thing you remember now about it is that it had a link to another favorite website of yours and... well, okay, and something about cats.

In fact, if you do remember at least two things like this about a site, there's a fair chance you'll sniff it out on the Web. To that end, you should enter 'link:' followed by the known web address, and some more details to refine the search results.

7. Translation through the search box

You don't always want to open Google Translate to find out how on earth you say 'hard drive' in French. Well, at least I was too lazy to do it a couple of days ago, as I faced this problem. I know, it may seem somewhat puzzling, but really, sometimes it's too awkward to open Google Translate or you're just being lazy.

Hard-Drive in FrenchHard-Drive in French

To avoid using Google Translate, you can enter 'translate [word] into [language]'. Sometimes it doesn't work, but in most cases it will mean that there's no decent translation in Google Translate either.

8. Searching for the cached contents

If you're one of the regular users, i.e. you don't work in the IT, but still know what Google cache is, then you're really approaching the state of Pro-Googledom. Still, it may happen that you need to open a cached page; and you can do it through Google's search box.

All you need to do is enter 'cache:[webpage address]' and the cached page version will immediately open. This feature has a couple of drawbacks. First, it leads you directly to the page instead of showing it in the search results. Second, Google seems to have problems processing your 'cache:' search query if you enter it after another one. It means that you'll have no problems only when searching for cached contents in a new browser tab with Google opened.

9. The '|' parameter

What can you do with a car? Basically, you can drive it, you can park it, crash it, start it, or stop it, but more importantly you can buy it or sell it. If you want to sell your old car and buy a new one, and want to kill two birds with one stone by finding the best offer with one search query, then you can resort to the '|' operator.

Google: Helping You Get a New CarGoogle: Helping You Get a New Car

Using it between two words results in searching for sites containing all possible resulting phrases. E.g., if you enter 'I want to buy | sell a car', Google will search for all sites featuring the phrases 'I want to buy a car' and 'I want to sell a car'.

10. * and Obelisk

And the last but not least trick you can use when googling is use an asterisk in you search query. It stands for a 'wildcard word', i.e. practically any word you can and cannot think of. So, you can enter a phrase like „Apple will present its new * on * in *“, and get all the nonsense published about past and upcoming keynotes and presentations by the company.

Asterisk May Come In HandyAsterisk May Come In Handy

Do you use any of these tips in your Google queries?
Merry Perry
Yeap, some of them. But I found some other interesting tips. I'll make a note of them)

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