Microsoft launches an authentication app for Android and iOS Microsoft launches an authentication app for Android and iOS

Nowadays, Microsoft accounts are becoming more and more popular as the Windows Store requires them and you even need to be signed into your account in order to install Edge add-ons. Unfortunately, when it came to implementing two-factor authentication solutions, the IT giant did a really poor job and things were unnecessarily complicated. However, the company has decided to change that and recently launched a new authentication app for Android and iOS.

Being called Microsoft Authenticator, this new application is designed to replace Azure Authenticator for iOS and Microsoft Account for Android, providing a unified solution for the users' security needs. Curiously enough, at the moment, only the Android and iOS versions are available, while the Windows 10 Mobile edition of the app is still in a closed beta stage. In case you're curios about how Microsoft Authenticator works, it's actually quite easy: once you set up the application, you will receive a notification on your phone, asking you to tap in order to confirm the log in attempt, whenever you try to sign into your Microsoft account from a device. Additionally, you can also use the Authenticator to log into other Microsoft-powered apps.

If you're interested in security and authentication methods, you may also enjoy reading some of our other stories on this topic such as: "Windows 10: Use your face" or "MasterCard to implement a selfie-based security system".

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