There's No Harm In Dreaming There's No Harm In Dreaming

There's no arguing that technology has had a considerable impact on the world in which we live. Several years ago I didn't know what's a computer or a mobile phone, and now I'm keen on buying a Galaxy S III. And I am faced with the question – what could Google, Facebook, Apple, or somebody else invent?

I like dreaming. And not only me but also guys from Future Technology. There are plenty of 'dreams' concerning our rapidly growing technological world. So I think it's going to be fun to see what the future may bring to us.

1. Handphone. Yes, really. The handphone microphone is made in the shape of a ring and the user puts it on their pinky. The speaker is another ring, made for the thumb. The main unit is placed on the back of the hand, and elastic cords attached to the wrist and middle finger. Quite a natural gesture, I think.


2. iPhone bracelet. In the nearest future, the iPhone may expect a rebirth: a stylish bracelet with features of the famous Apple invention will definitely fit into your idea of the mobile future.

iPhone braceletiPhone bracelet

3. Food Informer. Foodies and sweet-toothies will grow ecstatic. Food Informer has SMA, i.e. Shape Memory Alloy, which auto-forms around the user’s wrist for adjustable fitting (enabling the user to manually adjust it to desired tightness). Food Informer logs onto the user’s profile and looks for shopping details like preferences, shopping lists, food allergies, etc. It also has a high-accuracy local positioning system that allows the user to locate the desired product.

Food InformerFood Informer

4. Halo. No, not the halo you're thinking about. Halo is a visiting card of the future. It looks like a mobile phone - a versatile gadget that is small and easy to use, and easy to fit into a pocket - but it connects with previously incompatible things, like television, maps, calculators, game consoles, cameras, notebooks, etc.


5. Gadgets of the future look unusual compared to those we are accustomed to. The concept of iRing is that of a stylish ring with which it will be possible to control the iPod, the iPhone and some other devices from Apple.

iRing for iPeopleiRing for iPeople

My head is reeling. Some of the gadgets mentioned above are in the process of being created and implemented, but some exist only in the heads of their creators. I wonder, will I live to see those incredible things? I hope so.

How far do you think future technology will go?
Frankly, it's even difficult to imagine how far it may go.

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Yulian Rohmy
I do hope that gadget № 3 will appear asp! And it would be able to detect products' date of manufacture))

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