How to share your clipboard between your devices How to share your clipboard between your devices

I can't tell you how many times, while I was using both my desktop and my laptop at the same time, I've wanted to copy paste text fragments or pictures from one device to the other. So, I began looking for an easy solution that will help me do that. After a bit of searching, I found out that there are quite a few tools that can help with this, but only between specific platforms , there's no cross-platform solution. Here are the best clipboard-sharing solutions that I have found so far:

PC to PC / PC to Mac - Synergy


Probably the most common situation when someone needs clipboard sharing is when they're trying to work with multiple Windows PCs or Macs at the same time. If that's the case, then Synergy is one of the best solutions that you can find, despite the fact that it's a paid application. (It will cost you at least $10.) This tool doesn't just allow you to share the items on your clipboard (texts, links, images, etc.) between multiple Windows / OS X / Linux devices, but also provides some extra functionality that can really help you out, such as controlling all the devices with a single mouse and keyboard. To use this application, all you have to do is install it on the devices that should share copy-pasting, define one of them as the server (the main one), then connect the other ones as clients, and you're set to go. Another thing that I really liked about Synergy is that when you place the cursor on the edge of your screen, it will automatically move on to the next device's display, a feature which makes dragging-and-dropping a piece of cake.

PC to Android - Pushbullet


I'm guessing you already know that Pushbullet is a great application, simply by the sheer number of times it's been mentioned on our website. Moreover, unlike the previous mention, this service is free, which is already a pretty huge advantage. So, whenever you need to share your clipboard between a Windows-powered PC and an Android-based device, Pushbullet seems to be the best solution you can find. Unfortunately, although the service can be installed on almost every platform in existence, the copy-paste feature only works between the two previously mentioned operating systems. Once again, simply install the application on all the devices that you're using, then enable the Cross-device copypaste setting, and you're ready to go.

Mac to iOS - Command-C


When it comes to sharing the clipboard between a Mac and an iPhone or an iPad, there are quite a few solutions available on the Apple Store. However, Command-C remains one of my favorite tools for this task, as it is quite easy to use and offers a free version. The app uses both Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity to allow you to quickly copy & paste between devices (automatically chooses the one that's faster) and provides 3D Touch, Quick Actions and Spotlight integration. Another big advantage is that Command-C can automatically pair up your devices based on their connection to your iCloud account, which means that you don't need to worry about doing it yourself. Simply install the application on both your Mac and iOS devices, then run it, and the clipboard-sharing feature should already be available.

In case you are looking for more solutions that will allow you to manage multiple devices, you will probably also like reading our previous articles: "The best remote desktop applications" or "Software alternatives to a KVM switch".

Referenced applications




Easily share clipboards between your personal devices.




Bringing together your devices, friends, and the things you care about




Pushbullet saves you time by moving your notifications, links, and files wherever you go.




document management software

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