Facebook profiles on mobiles to get a different look Facebook profiles on mobiles to get a different look

In a blog post that was published yesterday, Facebook has announced some new features which will make its mobile apps even more interesting. The social network will soon allow the users to change their regular profile picture with a short looping video or with a temporary image. Furthermore, users will have better ways to control the posted information that others can see and there will also be some design changes which make the apps easier to use. At the moment, these changes are being tested out on a limited number of users from the UK and US, but they will soon start rolling out to a wider audience.

Up until this point, you could only use static images as your profile picture on Facebook and that has got slightly boring. The good news it that those who use the social network from their smartphones will soon be able to replace profile pictures with short (7-seconds) looping videos of themselves, which brings a whole new dynamic to the entire thing. Another cool thing is that those who want to can now use temporary profile pictures. This means that if, let's say, your favorite team has won an important game, you can use their logo as your profile pic for an entire week to celebrate the event and once that time has passed your profile will automatically return to your previous image.

Temporary profile pictureTemporary profile picture

As far as the improvement in controls go, you'll be happy to know that it's now easier to see what others can view. At the top of the profile there will be a customizable space where you can add stuff about you, then choose which fields are visible (education, work, etc.) and which aren't. Moreover, you can also choose up to 5 pictures which will be displayed at the top of your profile with the help of the Featured Photos function. Lastly, you will also notice several design changes: your profile picture / video has been moved to the center of the screen and are now bigger while the photos and mutual friends on the profiles that you are viewing will appear at the top of the screen.

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