Greggs is one of the largest bakery chains in UK and anyone who googled it on Tuesday would see the logo with some minor changes.The original slogan of the company: "Always fresh. Always tasty" was changed into... well something what you see in the image below.
The company was fast to react to the problem on Twitter and asked Google to remove the thing.
You might be wondering: how the pranksters managed to trick the Google's search engine? As Guardian reports, the problem is in the search algorithm itself. Though we do not know the author of the mocking logo, the image was hosted by Wikia. Wikia is a huge hosting resource for all sorts of images, and Google's search might be using it as a reliable source. And though in most cases the algorithm provides adequate images, sometimes human moderation is still required.
And Greggs is not the only victim of such 'bug'. Previously, BuzzFeed has reported on another 'strange' search result for “Skellow” - a village in England. Maybe one of your search queries also resulted in something hilarious or bizarre? In any case, share it in comments.