Google may soon create a separate mobile search index Google may soon create a separate mobile search index

Google may soon turn its search engine towards a mobile-first approach. According to the keynote speech given by Gary Illyes (webmaster trend analyst for Google) at Pubcon, the IT giant is getting ready to implement a new search index dedicated to mobile devices. It means that soon the results that you get from a Google search made on a smartphone or tablet will be different from the ones that will be shown on a computer.

At the moment, we actually know very little about how this new index is going to work, so I can't tell you if it will only contain mobile-optimized pages or how different it will be from the regular version. However, according to the same Google employee, the IT giant will treat the mobile index as the primary one, while the desktop search engine will have a lower priority, being updated less often than its mobile counterpart. Since nowadays people spend more time on smartphones and tablets than they do on computers, this seems like a good idea. In case you're curios about when this change will happen, there's no official information yet, but as far as we know, the mobile-dedicated index is just months away.

And since we're talking about Google and search engines, you might also want to read our other stories like: "Save Your Time While Searching in Google" or "The most interesting alternatives to Google".

Referenced applications




Google Desktop



It's a desktop search application that provides full text search over your email

Google Search



A nice little app that sits in the Dock.

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