If Your Laptop Has Left For Good If Your Laptop Has Left For Good

One day, it may happen that your dear laptop can be shamelessly stolen or just lost. Trule nasty. However, it is not an unspeakable tragedy of all your life. Forewarned is forearmed. The technology Gartner research reports that a laptop is stolen every 53 seconds. The sobering statistics should serve as a wake-up call for us to initiate strong actions not to shed tears over lost data.

So there go some handy tips on key steps to prevent a loss of important data.

Keep your passwords safe

If your passwords are automatically saved into browsers, the first advisable step is to protect your sensitive profiles like bank accounts, email, iTunes, PayPal and so on. For that, log in and reset the passwords. Especiallyif you store such confidential info as your credit card details, don't be a coach potato and contact the company in question to change or monitor your account.

Make use of LastPassMake use of LastPass

It is also recommended to avoid storing all passwords in a text file on your desktop. It's much better to use cloud services (e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox) or a reliable password manager like LastPass that allows you to securely employ one universal password for all accounts.

Remotely sign out of services

Fortunately, nowadays many services take care of user security. That's why they enable you to remotely sign out of your sessions. The principle is simple: on Facebook, you visit Settings and choose 'Log me out of other services'. Gmail lets you log out of all other sessions at the bottom of your inbox while on Twitter, you will be automatically signed out of all sessions as soon as you change your password.

Remotely log out of GmailRemotely log out of Gmail

Track your device

The good news is that you are able to trace your laptop whenever your device is missed. For instance, the Absolute LoJack software uses GPS, WiFi and IP geolocation technologies that allow for detecting where your laptop was during its last session. Its Lock feature enables you to block access to evil-doers. Moreover, you can erase all the data with the Delete option and collect infoabout the thief without them noticing that they are under control. The greatest advantage is that the Absolute LoJack team is stated to be able to recover all the files from your stolen laptop. Sounds amazing, doesn't it?

Report abouth the thief with LoJackReport abouth the thief with LoJack

Hope that you will never get your laptop stolen. But if it happened, try to cheer up and follow the tips. By the way, it's always a bright idea to constantly back up your data.

What actions would you take if your laptop had been stolen?
I will search completely, then leave to Allah. If that is mine, that will return surely.

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Nothing, just buy the new one and get abused by parents.

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Referenced applications

KeePass Password Safe



Manage your usernames and passwords in an encrypted database.




Utility to create passwords and Wi-Fi keys.

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