Are Windows phones really worth buying? Are Windows phones really worth buying?

Windows phones have never been "the popular kid" on the block, but at least on paper, Microsoft's mobile devices look more than decent, so many people are wondering why aren't they as big as iPhones? Should they actually buy a Windows phone, or would it be a decision that they would regret in the future? This is why I've decided to make a list with some of the most important pros and cons for those who are trying to decide if a phone made by Microsoft would be the right fit.

  • Pro - In my experience, among the three major mobile operating systems: Android, iOS and Windows - Microsoft's product is the most secure of them all and probably the most stable;
  • Con - unfortunately, the awesome security provided by Windows Phones comes with a cost in productivity: third-party apps are unable to communicate with each other, and this means the functionality that the app developers can implement is quite limited.
  • Pro - If you look at the specs sheet, most Lumia phones have absolutely amazing cameras that are in fact better than what the competition offers, at least, most of the time;
  • Con - however, when it comes to the software for the camera, Android and iOS reign supreme, and since smartness beats raw power, most would prefer using something other than a Windows Phone to take photos.
  • Pro - The fact that Windows 10 is a universal operating system is one of the best things about Windows Phones, as this will allow you to run exactly the same applications on your phone that you're using on your PC. Furthermore, the Continuum app allows you to connect your phone to a larger screen and a dock, so you can use just as if it was a PC;
  • Con - but there are no more Windows-only applications, at least not any important ones, so you can get pretty much the same functionality on every other device. What's even worse is that certain apps that used to only be available on Microsoft devices now even offer more features on other platforms.
  • Pro - Another important thing is that anyone who's ever used a Windows-based PC will have a very easy time learning how to operate a Windows phone. Both iOS and Android use unique interfaces, and it can take a while for the users to get used to them, even if they simply switch between two different brands of Android smartphones. This aspect is very important, especially if the device's owner isn't a tech-savvy person;
  • Con - the downside is that Windows phones lack some important applications, which means that even if you can learn how to use them very quickly, you may still not be able to use them the way you want to. From what I've read on Reddit, the fact that Windows phones cannot run Snapchat is the reason why a huge number of people choose a different platform, and this is not the only major application that Microsoft's phones don't offer support for.
  • Pro - When it comes to cheap phones, the ones made by Microsoft are (some of) the best available on the market, with Lumia 640 being probably the best phone in the under $100 category that you can have, and Lumia 550 being the best under $150 smartphone on the market;
  • Con -  unfortunately, the high-end devices that Microsoft makes are quite expensive when compared to mobiles with similar hardware with different OS. Moreover, when it comes to mid-range prices, the Android models are undisputed champions.
  • Pro - The overall experience when you're using a Windows phone is pretty great. Everything seems well-put together, the touchscreen capabilities are implemented with style, and the buttons seem to be placed in a natural way, so the fluidity is great. The app startup and general execution speed are also pretty great, so Windows phones are some of the best smartphones that I've used;
  • Con - however, when it comes to app resuming, things can get incredibly annoying. Some important applications like Spotify, Skype or MyTube! have a very hard time with the resume function, and that can get really annoying, really quick.

If you're interested in my personal opinion on the matter, I think that some Windows phones like Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL are pretty great, especially since I'm a Windows 10 user. However, I would buy one only if Microsoft decided to make them a little cheaper. If the IT giant is really trying to make Windows Phones relevant again, their best bet would be to sell their current devices at lower prices, even slightly below the production cost, so that they can once again establish a client base. They may lose some money in the short term, but once people start liking their phones, they could start selling at a profit and recuperate their losses. However, whether you decide to buy a Windows phone or not is entirely up to you.

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