Tips for creating great Instagram Stories Tips for creating great Instagram Stories

Even though it's mostly a clone of Snapchat's Stories feature, Instagram Stories is still a pretty new tool with the extensive functionality. Basically, Stories is an app within app, so it's not that surprising to know that many people didn't have time to figure out all of its secrets and unlock the service's full potential. This is why, I've decided to write a short article to show you a few tips that will help you create better stories that your friends on Instagram will surely appreciate.

Using polka dots and stripes

To draw a polka dot, use the Drawing Tool, put your finger on the pointed marker from the upper side of the display, select the desired color, then tap the three dots icon from the lower-left corner of your screen and choose the desired size. Now, simply tap where you want to place the polka dot; keeping your finger pressed on the screen will create an even bigger polka dot at that location. Drawing lines is almost the same, the only difference being that you will have to select the angled marker instead of the pointed one.

Adding thought bubbles

Thought bubbles can be a really great way of making sure that the message that you want to send gets through and they are a lot more artistic than regular captions. Even though the Stories section doesn't have a specific button to let you insert thought bubbles, you can easily create one using an enlarged polka dot and a few smaller ones between the big one and the person's head.

Creating a colored canvas

Colors make your story more attractive. To create your own colored canvas, simply take a picture of the floor or of a wall, then go to the Drawing Tool and choose your color. Next, tap your photo keeping your finger pressed to the screen for five seconds and then touch the screen with another finger. This will fill the entire background with the color that you chose.

Playing music in he background

Music makes everything better and can emphasize messages. The simplest way to have music playing in the background of your story is to launch the Music App and start playing the song that you wish. When the tune reaches the desired section, launch the Stories app and record your video. It may take a few tries to get it just right, but the ability to add music is worth the effort.

Hiding your Story from specific people

I'll admit that this one doesn't actually help you create better stories, but it's very useful. In case you didn't know this, you have full control over who gets to see your stories, so your boss won't be able to see the videos you took at the concert when you called in sick. Just go to your profile, then tap the sun icon and open the Story Settings. Once you're in the settings menu, go to the Hide my Story option, select your boss and press Done.

Now, when you've seen our tips for creating great Instagram Stories, you may also want to check out some of our other interesting articles such as: "Best Instagram tips for people who are new to the service" or "Share your photos: Life beyond Instagram".

Referenced applications

App for Instagram



This app helps you check your Instagram account directly from your desktop.







Pixsta, previoulsy known as Instagrille, is an Instagram client for Windows.

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